So, you have a story you want archived...Great! We'd love to have it! Here's how it works: SUBMIT ALL STORIES TO CLAIRE 1) Attach a header that includes the following information:
2) Save the story as one of the following:
3) Attach the file to an e-mail message, or cut and paste the text into the body of the e-mail, and send it to: 21JumpStreetFic
4) If you have a picture you'd like embedded in the story, or a quotation you'd like at the top (see "Ain't It a Drag" as an example of formatting), tell me that in your e-mail. Also tell me if you're dying to have the title a particular color.
5) Sit back and wait. :) It shouldn't take long, assuming I don't run into technical problems. I'll send you an e-mail to let you know, when it's posted to the page. |